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Making of A Man

The wood used in this sculpture originated from a fallen walnut tree in a residential backyard, offered for free to anyone interested. As I selected a suitable log, I reflected on the parallels between the tree's imperfect beginnings and the diverse upbringings many of us experience. This theme persisted throughout the cutting and finishing process, as I confronted and worked around numerous imperfections and cracks. These challenges, which might deter a perfectionist, instead inspired me to incorporate them into the sculpture, adding character and enhancing its beauty.


Throughout the creation of this piece, several themes guided my decisions: Patience, as I meticulously crafted each detail; Strength, as I chose various materials; Boldness, in experimenting with unconventional techniques; and Gentleness, to preserve the natural integrity of the wood. As with all art, the true meaning of this sculpture is subjective and lies in the eyes of the beholder. What do you see in this piece that resonates with your own experiences?

Photo by Kelsie Alario
Photo by Kelsie Alario
Photo by Kelsie Alario
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