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In my work, I am drawn to materials that carry a story, a history embedded in their very fibers. The wood used in this piece comes from a hackberry tree in my backyard, a tree that stood resiliently for years until a powerful storm hit. This tree, struck by lightning, was pruned and surprisingly flourished, symbolizing resilience and rebirth. Yet, nature's unpredictability prevailed, and another storm proved too much, causing half of the tree to break and the entire tree to need removal.

The wood I used for this piece is near the spot where the lightning first struck—a place of both damage and profound transformation. Through this work, I explore themes of renewal and rebirth, inspired by the tree’s ability to flourish after adversity. The trials the tree faced resonate with the challenges we encounter in life, reminding us that growth often emerges from our deepest wounds.

In crafting this piece, I focused on the strength of the tree's base, which remained sturdy despite the chaos above. This strong foundation, nurtured through years of care, echoes the importance of having a solid core, both in nature and in life. The process has been a reflection on care and nurturing—how, even in the face of destruction, there is potential for new life, new beginnings, and unexpected beauty.

Each element of this artwork is a testament to the trials the tree endured, and through it, I seek to convey the enduring spirit of renewal that lies within us all.

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